Kiss those cracked lips goodbye.
Dr. Mark Stom, a New York dermatologist, says his super simple three -step method is the key to eliminating the cracked lips well, even when the dry and cold winter months go down on us.
Our lips can dry the more easily that the skin in the rest of our body and the lack of sebaceous glands are partially guilty. The sebaceous glands produce sebum, and while it can be responsible for annoying things like acne, black spots and oily hair, it is also what keeps our skin hydrated.
But unlike the rest of our skin and even our scalp, our lips do not have these glands, making them more sensitive to drying.
The skin on the lips is also thinner and lacks keratin, making it not so good in holding water.
And to make things even worse, people are also prone to lips for a quick adjustment, but saliva has enzymes that finally make our skin feel drier.
In winter, when the air is cold and dry, it is not surprising that our mushrooms have something they actually draw.
“In dry and cold weather, the moisture inside our skin cells is essentially absorbed outside and in the environment,” Dr. Martiza Perez, another dermatologist.
But if you think you reach your favorite lip balm is the easy answer, you may need to reassess it.
Step One Step One of the Stom (@dermarkologist) is to thoroughly throw away your Chapstick. This is because some lip balm ingredients are simply exacerbating the problem.
“Lip balm containing ingredients such as phenol, Mentol and salicylic acid actually make your lips dry. So you apply more and it becomes a vicious circle, ”said Dermatologist Dr. Melissa Piliang in Cleveland Clinic.
Some artificial colors, aroma and taste also “dry the skin and can let it feel more cracked, so less is better,” she added.
Mentol is just an ingredient in the Chapstick brand balm, while the trio is present in various combinations in many other popular lip balm brands.
The second step of Stom can be a surprise – though women with multi -step skin care routines may already have what they need.
He advises applying a hyaluronic acid point on the lips and let it dry. Hyaluronic acid is a moisturizer, which means it helps the skin maintain water. It is often used in anti -aging products because dry skin ages faster, so following this advice can help you keep your youthful lips for longer.
Finally, strom advises to paint your lips with a thick layer of petroleum jelly, like Vaseline. Vaseline is occlusive, which means it forms an obstacle to close moisture.
Other documents also recommend it, and point out that you should really use it.
“I tell patients to put it on their lips at night like a cream cheese in a bagel,” NYC dermatologist, Dr. Remash Kapoor.
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